Summer~ “I finished Mobster’s Girl last night… It was so difficult to put it down, honestly. I had to because it was Father’s Day and I felt like my dad and husband probably needed my nose OUT OF a book for a little while, but it was painful for me… In spite of having to forcibly put it down for hours yesterday (which about killed me), I still ended up reading the whole book in one day, reading late into the night. At any rate, while I don’t normally read YA or mobster-type stories, I really loved it since there was enough UST to keep my pervy mind interested. The whole mobster thing isn’t something I’m very familiar with, living in rural area I do, and big cities are kind of like other planets for me. But, I felt I was able to clearly see everything and smell the smells of the city. And I loved that there was a history between the H/h, not just an instantly in love thing that makes stories kind of unbelievable. Also, the story totally kept me on my toes and wasn’t predictable at all, IMO. I was floored by her own past! 🙂 I can’t wait to read the next installment. This one is even going in my OMG category…!”