May 2016 Newsletter - Amy RachieleAmy Rachiele
  • May 2016 Newsletter

    amy rachiele may newsletter

    Happy May!

    Growing up, on the first Saturday of May my family and I would go to the local church for May breakfast. It would consist of boxed donuts, Johnnie Cakes, scrambled eggs, juice and coffee. Not a gourmet breakfast but it was a tradition.

    The celebration of May 1st goes back to ancient times and signified a spring festival with singing, dancing, and cake. My only question is why I didn’t I get cake at the church May breakfasts I faithfully went to every year? I think it would have made it much more enticing. And guess what, there was never a May pole. Those things always looked really cool to me. I guess I will have to go to Britain for that.

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    Happy Spring and Happy Reading!
    Warmest “happies” to my readers,

    *Never forget that I love hearing from you!

    Mobster’s Gamble is coming to print!

    Look for it in the upcoming weeks.

    Mobster's Gamble print edition

    Download the Mobster’s Gamble ebook now on Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, or Smashwords.

    TEASER FROM MOBSTER’S FATE: Alex and Meryl’s Story

    The door opens and the nurse returns. She has a stack of sterilized pads and gauze piled in her hand.”

    “Take the jacket off, pretty boy,” she orders.

    I let it slip off and Carlo takes it from me. The bandages are sticking to the wound where the dried blood is and I can feel my skin lift as she removes them. I keep my attention focused on Meryl.

    “You need to keep this clean. Replace the bandages everyday. You don’t want it to get infected.” The nurse is matter of fact and efficient. She covers me up and Carlo hands me back my jacket.

    “Thank you,” I respond without ever taking my gaze off of Meryl but I canĀ feel the eyes of Lisa trying to bore a hole through my temple.

    The nurse leaves and a pause as pregnant as Meryl fills the room. I break it.

    “I’m not leaving you.”

    Meryl turns away from me and I’ll be damned if I let her. I reach my hand out and gently move her head back towards me.

    “You can’t run.” I was trying to make a joke but it failed and she trailed her gaze away. “Let me put it this way. I’m am not letting you out of my sight.” ~ Alex, Mobster’s Fate

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