Posted on May 19, 2016 by Amy in Updates. Happy May! Growing up, on the first Saturday of May my family and I would go to the local church for May breakfast. It would consist of boxed donuts, Johnnie Cakes, scrambled eggs, juice and coffee. Not a gourmet breakfast but it was a tradition. The celebration of May 1st goes back to ancient times […]
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Posted on April 14, 2016 by Amy in Updates. Dear Readers, Welcome to a new season! April Fools Day or All Fools Day is a custom of playing pranks and hoaxes on April 1st, when the truth is revealed the trickster exclaims April Fools. It has been celebrated for several centuries. In 1700, the English began spreading this practice. It is really interesting that many countries […]
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Posted on March 11, 2016 by Amy in Updates. The month of March brings on the yearning of spring. Many famous literary greats have written about it. And no one can forget Shakespeare’s Beware the Ides of March. March has always felt like a turning point month for me. Hopefully, winter leaves and the warmer weather seeps in. It is a great motivator […]
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